Neural Networks
In this lesson, we will introduce the hot cake of the field of Machine Learning. Neural Networks are models designed based on our brains. Human brains have about 86 billion cells connected together by synapses. A neural network also has many cells/units that are connected to one another. Whenever an input is given, it is propagated through the entire network of cells, reaching the output cells where certain actions are handled for certain outputs.
This lesson will help you build a neural network from scratch. Later, we will introduce TensorFlow which is the de facto standard for neural networks. So let’s get started.
How do human brains work?
Nerve cells are at the center of everything when it comes to brain functionality. A nerve cell neuron is a special biological cell that processes information. According to an estimation, there is a huge number of neurons, approximately $10^{11}$ with numerous interconnections. There are basically 4 parts of a neuron, then helps it to process and transfer information:
- Synapses: Synapse is the connection point of two nerve cells.
- Dendrites: They are tree-like branches, responsible for receiving the information from other neurons it is connected to. In another sense, we can say that they are like the ears of neurons.
- Soma: It is the cell body of the neuron and is responsible for the processing of information, they have received from dendrites.
- Axon: With this part, a cell transfers information to another cell (like wires).
Here is an image showing the connection of two neurons and their different parts.
This is not a biology lesson, right? So why are we learning about brains? Because neural networks are nothing but brains created by humans. Below is the analogy in neural networks of what we have read about brains earlier:
- Synapses are weights in an artificial neural network (ANN).
- Dendrites are the input of a cell in ANN.
- Soma is a node or unit cell in ANN.
- Axon is the output of a cell in ANN.
Artificial Neuron
A neuron is a unit for computation in ANN. An ANN is nothing but a large network of neurons. There are different types of neurons, and there are many types of connections between neurons. All these varieties make different kinds of deep neural networks, some work well for tabular data, others work for images, and some work for sequential data like texts or speech.
Here is the anatomy of a neuron in ANN.
Let us suppose the input has n
features. So the input is like (X1, X2, X3… Xn). When this input data (more precisely a tensor) is given to the neural network, each of the features is multiplied by a weight. Then, all of them are summed up along with an additional bias value. This sum is the output of the neuron. Most of the time, to control this sum, an activation function is used. We will go through all of these in more detail.
$$a_1 = X_1 * W_1$$
$$a_2 = X_2 * W_2$$
$$a_3 = X_3 * W_3$$
$$a_n = X_n * W_n$$
The above can be written as:
$$a_i = X_i * W_i\ ;\ i \in {1, 2.. n}$$
Linear Layer
You might be thinking that we have to loop through all the features and then multiply them with the corresponding weights to get the output. But this will take forever for a very simple task. Remember, there could be thousands of features in an input (think of an image of size 4000*2000, then the number of pixels is 8000000). And this is only for one neuron. A modern ANN contains hundreds of such neurons.
The power of parallel processing with TPUs and GPUs has made this computation very fast and efficient. Graphics Processing Units (GPU) and Tensor Processing Units (TPU) can do matrix manipulation almost as fast as the CPU does simple arithmetics between two numbers. So we need to convert the above equations into matrix algebra.
Think of the input as a matrix where each column represents a feature and each row represents a sample.
Now we need to multiply all the features by the same weight for all samples. So we need to multiply each column by a value. If we consider a vector of weights of the same size as the number of features in input, then we can do matrix multiplication among them to get the desired result along with the summation.
But what about the BIAS we talked about??
The bias can also be added very easily in this matrix multiplication. That bias is appended to the weight vector in the first place. And a column (like a new feature) of 1 is appended in the first of the matrix $X$.
We have successfully understood the most basic part of deep learning, a layer of many unit cells. This is known as a linear layer. In deep learning, there will be a lot of layers joined together. Let’s see how we can implement it in python.
Activation Function
As we said earlier, we also need activation functions to keep the output data in a diserable shape. There are a lot of activation functions used in deep learning. Let us discuss a few popular of them.
Identity Function
This is the simplest activation function. Sometimes you do not need to use any activation function for a specific layer. But to hold consistency across all layers, you need to create and store a dummy activation function for that layer. That activation function is the Identity function, which outputs whatever it is given as input.
$$f(x) = x$$
When the output value is proportional to the input value anywhere in the input domain, then the function is said to be a linear function. So, a linear function is just multiplying something with the input.
$$f(x) = a*x$$
Now the activation function will start to get interesting. The main objective of a sigmoid is to keep the output data between 0 and 1. The equation of this function is:
$$f(x) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-x}}$$
This activation function is very similar to sigmoid. The only difference is that the range of this function is [-1, 1]. And the equation used tanh
$$f(x) = tanh(x)$$
Binary Step
To make sure that the output is binary, a binary step activation function is used. This is mostly used when you are doing a binary classification. When the input is negative, the activation function outputs 0. And when it is positive, it outputs 1.
$$f(x) = 0\ if\ x \le 0\ ; 1\ otherwise$$
Rectified Linear Unit Activation function has recently become popular for working very well with image datasets. It filters all the negative values to 0. For acts as a Linear Activation function for all the positive values.
$$f(x) = 0\ if\ x \le 0\ ;\ f_{linear}(x)\ otherwise$$
Leaky ReLU
Leaky ReLU is similar to ReLU, but it acts like another activation function instead of 0 when X is negative.
$$f(x) = bx\ if\ x \le 0\ ;\ ax(x)\ otherwise$$
$$b < a$$
SoftMax is a very different kind of activation function mostly used for multiclass classification. It takes all the outputs and then converts them to probability. The output of the softmax function will always add up to 1. And all the values of the output will be always non-negative.
$$f(x_i) = \frac{e^{x_i}}{\sum_{j=1}^J{e^{x_j}}}$$
As this is not a continuous function and depends on the individual value of x
, it is quite difficult to plot on a 2D surface.
Neural Network with Feed Forward
So we have created linear layers and activation functions with forward methods. Our final class
will be to create a NeuralNet
which will contain everything it needs and provide an API to the user.
We will follow the Scikit-Learner API style for this. So there will be a predict
method and a fit
method (let’s not worry about all other utility methods for now). As we have just implemented the forward methods for all the classes, let’s create the predict
method using those forward
methods of all classes.
This looks easy, right? But now we will implement a little difficult part of the NeuralNet. The Backward Propagation.
Loss function
While training our neural network, we will need to calculate the loss depending on the prediction of the network, and target labels. We can simply use a function to implement the loss function equation of categorical cross-entropy.
Backward Propagation
We have already learned about the gradient descent algorithm in lesson 4. We will discuss the same and apply it to the neural networks backpropagation method. We already have the NeuralNet
class along with other layers. All we need to do is add a new method called backward
to each of them so that it is possible to do backward propagation to the network.
What will the backward
method do in each case? The backward method will output the gradient of the input, with respect to W. The input we just mentioned is not X
, it is the gradient we got from another layer.
Remember, gradient descendent algorithm and backward propagation are different algorithms. The first one is used only to get the gradient of the loss with respect to W. The second one is responsible for updating the weights using that gradient taken from the first algorithm.
You will understand this better if you take a look at the following equations. Nerd Alert! Calculus Ahead.
$$dW^{[l]} = \frac{\partial L}{\partial W^{[l]}} = \frac{1}{m} dZ^{[l]} A^{[l-1] T}$$
$$db^{[l]} = \frac{\partial L}{\partial b^{[l]}} = \frac{1}{m} dZ^{l} $$
$$dA^{[l-1]} = \frac{\partial L}{\partial A^{[l-1]}} = W^{[l] T} dZ^{[l]}$$
$$dZ^{[l]} = dA^{[l]} * g’(Z[l])$$
After calculating gradients of all the layers and activation functions using the above equations, we can update the weights via:
$$W^{[l]} = W^{[l]} - \alpha dW^{[l]}$$
$$b^{[l]} = b^{[l]} - \alpha db^{[l]}$$
Let us implement this in python. We are only implementing it on the LinearLayer class, sigmoid, and relu activation functions. You can look at the derivative of other activation functions here.
Now that we have the method backward
for all classes, we can implement the fit
method in our NeuralNet
Now the only work left is to instantiate and train the model. We will train it on the iris dataset we discussed in the Scikit-learn chapter.
Congratulations. You can successfully create a full-fledged Neural Network architecture. The network has many activation functions, can input 2-dimensional data with any shape, and can be as deep or as wide as you need.
I understand that all of the code and the mathematical backgrounds are tough for you. In real life, you do not have to do any of these at all. In the next lesson, we will learn TensorFlow. Then you will realize how easy it is to create and train a deep learning model within as small as 10 lines of code.