Kuet Static Html Kuet Static Html
A redesigned version of kuet website. Tried to implement material design. This was actually a practice for my web design knowledge.
Ask Bd
My 3rd year 1st semister web programming project. A website where people can create account, ask questions, vote on questions by liking or disliking and answer other peoples questions.
Tourx Website Tourx Website
A Django based travel website created for Hult Prize Finale. You can create user account, exchange useful tickets, rent houses while traveling and read travel guides.
Map Manjaro Map Manjaro
A Django based website to visualize KML files. Basically this project was created before a hackathon name Code Samurai for conveniency during the hackathon.
Personal Django Portfolio Site Personal Django Portfolio Site
Before creating this website, I used a Django based website
Corona in Bangladesh Corona in Bangladesh
A servey taking and visualization website for Bangladeshi people.