Quantum Mechanics
Inadequacy of classical concepts, History of quantum mechanics, Planck’s quantum theory, Photoelectric effect, Compton effect, Wave- particle duality, De-Broglie waves, Uncertainty principle and its applications, Sommerfeld relativistic atomic model, Orbital angular momentum, Spin angular momentum, Total angular momentum, Orbital magnetic quantum number and spin magnetic quantum number, Magnetic moment of an electron, Pauli’s exclusion principle, Time-dependent and time independent Schrödinger equation, Interpretation of wavefunction, Expectation values, Probability density and probability current density, Energy eigen values and eigen functions, Stationary states.
Aberrations: Spherical aberration, Coma, Distortion, Astigmatism, Curvature of the field, Chromatic aberration and dispersion, Interference of light, Huygens principle and construction of wavefront, Young’s double slit experiment, Fresnel’s bi- prism, Interference due to multiple reflections, Newton’s rings.
Solid State Physics
Crystal Structure: Periodic array of atoms, Fundamental types of lattices, Miller indices, Reciprocal lattices: Diffraction of waves by crystals, Scattered wave amplitude, Brillouin Zones, Fourier analysis of basis, Phonon: Vibration of Crystal with monoatomic basis, Phonons and heat capacity, Thermal inductivity, Enharmonic crystal interactions, Quantum theory of the harmonic crystal: High and low temperature specific heat, Models of Debye and Einstein, Comparison of lattice and electronic specific heat, Free Electron Fermi gas: Energy levels in 1 – D, Fermi – Dirac distribution, Heat capacity of the electron gas, Electrical conductivity and Ohm’s law, Motion in magnetic field, Thermal conductivity of metals, Breakdown of classical
theory of conductors
Mean free path, Specific heat of solids, Construction of Fermi surfaces, Electron orbits, Hole orbits and open orbits, Wigner-Seitz method, Fermi surface of Copper, Velocity of electron according to Band theory, LASER Physics: History of LASER, Population inversion and stimulated emission, Generation of coherent radiation, Time coherence, Spatial coherence, Ruby LASER, Model of Ruby LASER, Gas LASER, He-Ne LASER, Semiconductor LASER, Applications of LASER.