Fourier Analysis and Linear Algebra

📚 MATH 2107 3.0 Credits (3 Lectures/Week) 🎯 academic

    Fourier Analysis

    Fourier series and Fourier co-efficient, Dirichlet’s condition and Fourier expansion, Convergence of Fourier series, Exponential form of Fourier series, Change of interval, Half range series, Parseval’s identity, Fourier integrals.

    Fourier Transforms

    General transforms, Fourier sine and cosine transforms and their use in boundary value problems.


    Discrete transform and definition of Z-transform, Properties, Stability, Causality, Region of convergence, Inverse Z-transform.

    Linear Algebra

    Matrix Operations: Field and matrices over a field, Product of matrices by partitioning, Symmetric, Diagonal and other special types of matrices with their properties, Elementary transformations and equivalent matrices, Rank, Inverse of a square matrix by elementary row operation.

    Systems of Linear Equations

    Solutions of systems of homogeneous linear equations, Existence of nontrivial solutions of set of homogeneous linear equations, Consistency of system of linear equations, Solution of non-homogenous equations using matrix.

    Vector Spaces

    General vector spaces, Column, row and null Spaces, Basis and Dimension.

    Eigen Systems

    Eigen values and Eigen vectors, Estimation of the size of Eigen values.

    Inner-Product Vector Spaces

    Inner-Product Spaces, Orthogonality.
    Fourier Analysis and Linear Algebra

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