Digital System Design

📚 CSE 4223 3.0 Credits (3 Lectures/Week) 🎯 academic

    Register Transfer Logic

    Inter register transfer, Arithmetic, Logic and shift micro- operations, Conditional control statements, Fixed-point binary data, Overflow, Arithmetic shifts, Decimal data, Floating-point data, Non-numeric data, Instruction codes, Design of simple computer.

    Processor Logic Design

    Processor organization, Arithmetic logic unit, Finite state machine-design and implementation. Design of arithmetic circuit, Design of logic circuit, Design of arithmetic logic unit, Status register, Design of shifter, Processor unit, Design of accumulator, Introduction to hardware description languages (VHDL and Verilog).

    Control Logic Design

    Control organization, Hardwired control, Micro-program control, Control of processor Unit, PLA control, Micro-program sequencer.

    Computer Design

    System configuration, Computer instructions, Timing and control, Execution of instructions, Design of computer registers, Design of control, Register load and inter register transfer, Bus buffer and memory cycle of microcomputers.


    ROMs, RAMs, Small TTL Memory.

    Simple as Possible (SAP-1)Computer Design

    Architecture, Instruction set, Programming, Fetch cycle, Execution cycle.

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