Machine Learning

📚 CSE 4111 3.0 Credits (3 Lectures/Week) 🎯 academic


    Aspects of machine learning, Supervised, Unsupervised, Semi-supervised and Reinforcement learning, Evaluation of hypothesis, Practical applications of machine learning.

    Artificial Neural Networks

    Neurons and biological motivation, Perceptron and solving Boolean functions, Feed forward and recurrent networks, Single layer and multilayer networks, Back-propagation training method, Radial basis function networks, Associative memory, Ensemble methods.

    Support Vector Machines

    Linear maximal margin classifier, Linear soft margin classifier; Nonlinear classifier.

    Decision Trees

    Recursive induction, Splitting attribute selection, Entropy and information Gain, Overfitting and pruning, ID3 and C4.5 algorithms.

    Genetic Algorithms

    Motivation from natural evolution, Genetic operators, Fitness function, Genetic algorithms for optimization.

    Swarm Intelligence

    Features of natural swarms, Swarm based methods for


    Ant colony optimization, Particle swarm optimization, Bee colony optimization.

    Clustering and Unsupervised Learning

    Learning from unclassified data, Clustering, Hierarchical agglomerative clustering, K-means partitional clustering.

    Dimensionality Reduction

    Curse of the dimensionality, Empty space phenomenon, Linear and nonlinear techniques for dimensionality reduction.

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