Definition of internet, The network edge, Network code, Network access and physical media, ISPs and internet backbones, Delay and loss in packet-switched networks, Protocol layers and their service models.
Application Layer
Principles of application layer protocols, Web and HTTP, File transfer protocol (FTP), Electronic mail, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, DNS, P2P, Socket programming with TCP and UDP.
Transport Layer
Transport layer services, Multiplexing and demultiplexing, Connectionless transport and UDP, Principles of reliable data transfer, Connection oriented transport and TCP, Principles of congestion control, Congestion and flow controls with TCP.
Network Layer and Routing
Network layer services, Routing principles, Hierarchical
routing, Internet Protocol
IP4 addressing, IPv6, ICMP, DHCP and NAT, Routing, Distance vector and link state routing algorithms, Multicast routing, Router architecture.
Link Layer and Local Area Networks
Link layer services, Error detection and correction techniques, Multiple access protocols, CSMA, CSMA/CD, Slotted ALOHA, LAN address and ARP, Ethernet, Hub, Bridge and switch, Wireless links, Wi-Fi and WLAN architecture, Bluetooth, PPP, ATM, Frame relay.
Security in Computer Networks
Security issues in computer networks, Principles of
Symmetric key cryptography and public key encryption, Message integrity and digital signatures, End-point authentication, Operational security, Firewalls and intrusion detection systems.
Computer Networks