Information System Concepts
Different types of information, Quality of information, System Development Life Cycle, Information gathering tools, Structured analysis tools, System design, Project planning tools, Feasibility analysis, Cost/Benefit analysis.
Design Patterns
GRASP patterns with general principles, GoF design patterns.
Software Testing Techniques and Strategies
White box and Black box testing, Basis path testing, Cyclomatic complexity, Unit testing, Mutation, Regression, Integration, System testing, Error seeding, Stress testing, Behavior driven test, Test automation, Debugging approaches.
Software Reliability and Quality Assurance
Reliability metrics, Growth modeling, Software Quality, Quality management system, Release Planning, Tools for software release ISO 9000, SEI CMM, Comparison between SEI CMM and ISO 9000.
Disaster, Recovery and ethics in system development.
Concepts of Software and Software Engineering
Software process models, Software project management, Requirement engineering.
Design and Analysis
Object-oriented analysis and models, SRS documentation, Design concepts and principles, Architectural design, Object-oriented design, Use Case, UML diagrams, Software case tools.
Cost Model
Cost estimation techniques, Algorithmic cost modeling, COCOMO.
Software Metrics
Function-oriented metrics, Size-oriented metrics. Risk analysis and management, Software maintenance.
Software Engineering and Information Systems