Microprocessors, Microcomputers and microcontrollers, Different types of microprocessors and its applications.
8086 internal architecture, Processor status and flag registers.
Machine and Assembly Language Programming
Instruction format, Instruction sets, Opcode, Addressing modes, Branching and looping, Traps and interrupts, I/O operation, Interrupt controller, An overview of Intel 80186, 80286, 80386 and Pentium processors, RISC processors, Parallelism in microprocessor, Bit-slice processor.
Co-processors and DMA
Arithmetic co-processor, I/O processor, Programmable timer, DMA data transfer, DMA Controller.
Introduction to micro-controllers, Overview/review of microcontroller architecture, Data representation and memory usage, Microcontroller programming.
Microcontroller Based System Design
Hardware design, Building, Debugging, Testing and linking program modules, Hardware implementation and I/O support.
Analysis of Application Examples
Recursion and stack usage, Traffic light controller, Input / Output architecture, Analysis of timing and memory requirements, Real time operation.