Digital Logic Design

📚 CSE 1203 3.0 Credits (3 Lectures/Week) 🎯 academic


    Digital systems, Codes, Code Conversion, Boolean algebra and switching theory. Boolean functions, Canonical forms, Minimization of Boolean functions, Different types of logic gates.

    Combinational Circuits

    Combinational circuit design Issues, Adder, Subtractors, Arithmetic and data handling logic circuits, Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers and demultiplexers, Binary parallel adder, ROM, EPROM and PLA, PAL design, Digital display, Fan-in, Fan-out, Propagation delay, Power Dissipation, Hazards in combinational circuit.

    Sequential Circuits

    Flip flops, State diagram, Timing diagrams, Mealy and Moor machines, State minimization and assignments, Design of Counters, Register and the memory unit, Asynchronous counters and synchronous counters and their applications, Synchronous and asynchronous logic circuit design, Combinational logic with MSI and LSI, Race around problems and races in sequential circuits.

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