Compiler Design

📚 CSE 3211 3.0 Credits (3 Lectures/Week) 🎯 academic

    Introduction to Compiler

    Phases of compilation and overview. Compiling techniques including parsing, Semantic processing, and Optimization, Complier- Compliers and translator writing systems.

    Lexical Analysis

    The ROLE of the lexical analyzer, Specification And recognition of tokens, Lexical analyzer generator.

    Syntax Analysis (Parser)

    Top-Down Parsing, Bottom-Up Parsing, Operator- precedence parsing, Ambiguity, LL and LR parsers.

    Semantic Analysis

    Attribute grammar, Syntax directed definition, Evaluation and flow of attribute in a syntax tree.

    Type Checking

    Syntax directed translation, Error management, Error detection and recovery.

    Symbol Tables

    Data structures for symbol tables.

    Run-Time Storage Management and Run Time Support

    Parameter passing mechanisms, Stack storage organization and templates, Heap storage management, memory allocation and scope.

    Intermediate Code Generation

    Translation of different language features. Different types of intermediate forms, languages, declarations and assignment statements.

    Code Improvement

    Analysis: control-flow, data-flow dependence etc., Code improvement local optimization, global optimization, Garbage Collection, loop optimization, Peep-hole optimization etc.

    Architecture dependent code improvement

    Instruction scheduling, Loop optimization etc.

    Code Generation

    Register allocation and target code generation.
    Compiler Design

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